Privacy Policy


Your privacy is very important to us. We have developed this policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outline our privacy policy.


1)Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purpose for which information   is being collected.

2)We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purpose specified  by us and for other compatible purpose, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned

 or as required by law.

3)we will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purpose

4)we will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.

5)personal data should be relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used, and to the extent necessary for those purpose. should be accurate, complete and up-to-date  

6)we will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access, discloser, copying use or modification.

7)we will make readily available to customer information about our policies and practices relating to   management of personal information.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles  in order to ensure that the confidently of personal information is protected and maintained.


as with most other websites, we collect and use data contained in log file. The information in the log file include your IP (internet protocol) your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or Shaw cable),the browser you used to visit (such as internet explorer or Firefox ) the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site.



last update :14:04:2018

A cookie is a small software file stored temporarily or placed on your computer’s hard drive. The main purpose of cookie is to allow a web server to identify a user’s computer and web browser, and tailor web pages and/or login information to user’s preferences. Cookies help us promptly display the information needed to use the capabilities on the Service and other information which we consider to be of interest to visitors to the Sites and users of the Service. By gathering and remembering information about website preferences through cookies, we can provide a better web and marketing experience. Cookies don’t give us access to users’ computers, and the information we collect through cookies doesn’t include Personal Information.

We utilize session cookies, which allow us to uniquely identify your browser while you are logged in and to process your online transactions. Session cookies disappear from your computer when the web browser is closed or computer is turned off. We also utilize persistent cookies to make it easier to log into and use the Service. Persistent cookies remain on computers after the web browser is closed or the computer is turned off.


The Service contains links to websites and applications other than the Service, including websites and applications operated by affiliates and other third parties. Please be aware that we do not determine and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of websites and applications operated by third parties. Your browsing and interaction on any third-party website or service, including those that have a link on our website, are subject to that third party’s own rules and policies. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Service, and read the privacy statements of third-party websites and applications linked to the Service. Web flow does not endorse and is not responsible for the practices of third parties or their websites or applications. In addition, you agree that we are not responsible for and we do not control any third parties that you authorize to access your User Content. If you are using a third-party website or service and you allow such a third party access to you User Content, you do so at your own risk. This Policy applies only to information collected by the Service.


Web flow is committed to ensuring the security of your Personal Information. We use commercially reasonable technological, physical, and administrative security safeguards, such as firewalls and carefully developed security features, to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information within the Service and the Sites. For example, when you enter confidential information (such as login credentials or information submitted from within the Service) we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). These technologies, procedures, and other measures are used in an effort to ensure that your data is safe, secure, and only available to you and to those you authorized to access your data. However, no internet, email, or other electronic transmission is ever fully secure or error-free, so you should take care in deciding what information you send to us in this way. Web flow is not responsible for the functionality or security measures of any third party.


We do not track or respond to browser “Do Not Track” requests.


Web flow does not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any Personal Information through our Service. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s internet usage and to help enforce our Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Information on our Service without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Information to Web flow through our Service, please contact us, and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information from our databases.


We may, in our sole discretion, modify or update this Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this Policy, we will endeavor to notify you by email or by posting a prominent notice on the Sites prior to the change becoming effective but will not be liable for any failure to do so. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of the Service constitutes your agreement to be bound by such changes to this Policy. Your only remedy, if you do not accept the terms of this Policy, is to discontinue use of the Service.


havmor controls and operates  this web site from within the India. Our online privacy practice are governed by the Indian. laws, which may differ from privacy laws in your state or home submitting your personal information to this, you consent to the transfer if your personal information to any country and this its use and disclosure in accordance with Indian law this privacy policy.